“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Dear Friends,
We are living in unprecedented times. Since the pandemic of 2020-2021 and other public health concerns, Atonement has been searching for ways to remain connected and continue sharing the good news of the salvation we have through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Through our Facebook Live page (search FB for @AtonementBaltimore), we have been able to reach our members in addition to guests and others we might never have reached otherwise!
Through all of this, the question has come from members and online visitors alike – “We appreciate being able to attend the service virtually and hear The Word! How can we help support Atonement Lutheran Church? “
Ways to Support:

If you already have Venmo on your phone, you may send donations to:
To use Venmo:
1. Download the Venmo app to your smartphone.
2. Create a Venmo account with a username and password.
3. Link your bank account to your Venmo account using your routing number and account number.
To contribute to Atonement Lutheran Church:
1. Open the Venmo app
2. Click V Pay or Request
3. Search for “@Atonement-Baltimore” on Venmo.
4. Enter the desired donation amount.
5. In the “What’s it for?” section, put a brief description, i.e., weekly-donation,
6. Click “Pay”. This will transfer money from your Venmo account to Atonement’s Venmo account.
To maintain the privacy of your donation, you (the donor) need to adjust the privacy settings of your account.
1. Log in to Venmo.
2. Tap the hamburger (3 lines) in the upper right.
3. Choose “Settings.”
4. Choose “Privacy.”
5. Select “Private – Visible to sender and recipient only.”

We take up a collection each week during the service, but checks may be sent to:
Atonement Lutheran Church
9121 Old Harford Road
Parkville, MD 21234

Amazon Smile – When you shop at smile.amazon.com and choose to support Atonement Lutheran Church in Parkville, MD, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.