Precautions: COVID-19

Dear Members & Guests of Atonement,

As COVID-19 continues to impact our communities, the members of the Church Council met last night to discuss how we can protect the health of our members and guests at Atonement Lutheran Church. As in all things, we give thanks to our LORD and Savior for all our blessings even in times of a crisis like this. We put our trust in Him and know that all things are for His glory.

First, we are not planning to cancel worship services. If, however, you feel sick, have a fever or feel you may have flu-like symptoms please take care of your health and stay home. It’s better to err on the side of caution and consult your doctor.

For many of us, worship is a reminder of the hope and encouragement we need in difficult and fearful times like these and we look forward to hearing God’s Word. We look forward to seeing each other and giving thanks to the LORD. While doing so, we will be making some changes from now through Sunday, March 29 (the next 3 Sundays). We will then re-assess the situation and see if additional changes are needed as we approach Easter, or if we can return to our normal practices. In the meantime, here are the changes as planned by the church council:

  1. This Saturday, March 14, we will be holding a “Sanitization Saturday” from 9 am – 11 am where we will sanitize the church pews, bathrooms, fixtures, air vents, etc. The toys in the kids room will have to be removed (moms and dads you will want to bring your own toys) and we will have a thorough cleaning of the room. We are asking anyone who is willing and able to volunteer Saturday morning.
  2. Hand sanitizers will be made available throughout the church and upon entering the sanctuary. We ask that everyone first wash their hands when entering the church as a best practice. We also encourage everyone to bring their own.
  3. All hymnals will be removed from the church pews. Sunday’s hymns, Psalm, liturgy and prayers will be printed in the bulletin and handed to each person upon entering church.
  4. Doors to the church will remain open to limit exposure to door knobs and fixtures.
  5. We encourage everyone to practice “social distancing” by spacing themselves 3- to 6-feet from non-family members.
  6. Do not shake hands.
  7. When sneezing or coughing be sure to use a cloth or sleeve, not your hands.
  8. If you have a personal N95 mask, please feel free to wear it.
  9. Fellowship activities that traditionally follow church service are also cancelled through March 29. Those who prefer to use the bathroom in the fellowship hall, may continue to do so but otherwise there should not be any activity in the fellowship hall since it is much more difficult to keep sanitized.
  10. The worship service will also include the following changes beginning this Sunday:
    • The offering plate will not be passed from person-to-person. Instead, an offering basket will be placed in the aisle so you may make your donation upon entering or leaving service. Counters will wear gloves when handling money.
    • We will still have communion this Sunday for members of Atonement and WELS member churches. However, the common cup will not be offered. We will have fewer people at each table to encourage enough distance between people. The communion assistant will continue to sanitize prior to distribution, and will only hand the wafers to members. Wafers will no longer be placed on your tongue.
    • Following service, the Bell Choir will meet for practice.
    • We also need volunteers to help sanitize the church again after Sunday’s service in preparation for our mid-week Lenten service.
  11. Lenten services will still be held each Wednesday. However, the Lenten meals served prior to service are cancelled for March 18, 25 and April 1.

Note: We will also try to set up a live video Saturday morning so we can begin to offer that each week for those who are homebound and they can still participate in worship.

We are working hard to try and keep everyone safe while also worshiping our LORD. We pray that these are only short-term measures that could be in effect from now until March 29. The council plans to meet again April 2 to consider any additional changes or if we can return to our normal routines as a congregation.

In the meantime, please wash your hands and remain calm. Perhaps this is an opportunity for us to share the joy we have in spite of the challenges all around us. As always, if you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or any of our council members.

We look forward to seeing you Saturday morning for “Sanitization Saturday” if you can, and Sunday morning for worship.

Dennis Sullivan, President

Atonement Lutheran Church

410-804-5643 (cell)